Business Management
The skills needed in business today are changing as rapidly as is business itself. That’s why CTS Canadian Career College has developed an innovative diploma program in Business Management specially designed to provide our students the skills they need to excel in this dynamic environment.
Graduates of this 12-month diploma program will develop the marketing and advertising skills to plan, direct, and evaluate the activities of sales departments. You will be able to promote the sale of products/services and establish distribution networks for these products. As a graduate, you will have the ability to develop and execute advertising campaigns, communication strategies to publicize events and maintain media relations. You will also be prepared to play a role in human resource management, including recruitment, orientation, change & organizational management and strategic planning.
Upon successful completion of the program, students will participate in an four-week full-time field placement.

Business / Marketing / Admin.Health / Health SciencesHealth Care / Nursing / DentalLaw / Legal Administration

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* Second Career is only available to those who qualify. There are many criteria that each
  candidate must meet beyond our 3 basic qualifying questions. Visit an Employment
  Ontario assessment centre for your full evaluation of this opportunity.