Qualify for Special Funding

Alexander College


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Creative Arts, Interactive, Sound Programs

  • Program Description

    Students within the Associate of Arts Degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge in the faculties of arts, humanities, and social sciences, and develop their critical thinking and research skills. The program provides a comprehensive learning experience that also allows students to customize their coursework in order to focus on an area of personal interest. The Associate of Arts Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 60 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. Program requirements include a minimum of 36 credits in arts, including 18 credits in arts at the second-year level taken in two or more subject areas, such as psychology, economics, Asian studies, philosophy, history, and sociology. Upon completion of the Associate of Arts Degree program, students may choose to enter the workforce or to continue their undergraduate studies. An Associate of Arts Degree may be transferrable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university. Some BC universities also admit Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor. Some BC universities also admit Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor. International students completing the Associate of Arts Degree program at Alexander College are also eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

    The Associate of Arts degree program develops academic skills in the following areas:

    • Reading comprehension
    • Written and oral communication
    • Mathematical and scientific reasoning
    • Computer and technological literacy
    • Research and evaluative skills
    • Analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge
    • Critical thinking and problem solving
    • Application of theoretical understanding to practice
    • Collaborative and team-based experience

    In addition, the Associate of Arts degree program provides experience and aptitudes in the following areas:

    • Natural curiosity about the world
    • Understanding of the global context
    • Appreciation of intellectual thought and human creativity
    • Openness to a variety of different viewpoints
    • Capacity for and interest in self-directed life-long learning
    • Social consciousness and responsibility.

Business, Accounting, Marketing Programs

  • Program Description

    Students within the Associate of Arts (Business) Degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge in the faculties of economics, management, accounting, marketing, and statistical analysis, and will develop their critical thinking and research skills. The program also includes a customizable concentration in economics, which allows students to further explore economic theory and applications in conjunction with selected topics related to commerce The Associate of Arts (Business) Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 64 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. Program requirements include a minimum of 24 credits in economics and a minimum of 12 credits in Commerce. Upon completion of the Associate of Arts (Business) Degree program, students may choose to enter the workforce or continue their undergraduate studies.


    An Associate of Arts (Business) Degree may be transferable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university. Some BC universities also admit Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor.

    Post-Grad Work Permit

    International students completing the Associate of Arts (Business) Degree program at Alexander College are also eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

    The Associate of Arts (Business) degree program develops broad-based academic skills in the following areas:

    • Reading comprehension
    • Written and oral communication
    • Mathematical and scientific reasoning
    • Computer and technological literacy
    • Research and evaluative skills
    • Analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge
    • Critical thinking and problem solving
    • Application of theoretical understanding to practice
    • Collaborative and team-based experience

    Specifically, the Associate of Arts (Business) degree program provides experience and aptitudes in the following areas:

    • Knowledge of economic theory
    • Familiarity with the applications of economics
    • Knowledge of organizational behavior and human resource management
    • Understanding of the relationship between commerce/industry and economics
    • Ability to analyze and interpret data
    • Ability to apply quantitative skills to business subjects
  • Program Description

    Students within the Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge in the areas of theoretical and applied economics, as well as competitive behavior, economic policy, and the global economy. Students will acquire the tools to be able to analyze the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 60 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. The credits must include a minimum of 36 credits in arts, including at least 18 credits in first- and second-year economics. Upon completion of the Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree program, students may choose to enter the workforce or continue their undergraduate studies.


    An Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree may be transferrable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university. Some BC universities accept Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor.

    Post Grad Work Permit

    International students completing the Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree program at Alexander College are eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

    The Associate of Arts (Economics) degree program develops broad-based academic skills in the following areas:

    • Reading comprehension
    • Written and oral communication
    • Mathematical and scientific reasoning
    • Computer and technological literacy
    • Research and evaluative skills
    • Analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge
    • Critical thinking and problem solving
    • Application of theoretical understanding to practice
    • Collaborative and team-based experience

    Specifically, the Associate of Arts (Economics) degree program provides experience and aptitudes in the following areas:

    • Ability to use analytical tools to interpret business data
    • Knowledge of economic theory and its applications
    • Knowledge of micro and macroeconomic policy issues
    • Understanding of government policy pertaining to markets
    • Familiarity with managerial decision making strategies

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Students of the Associate of Arts (Psychology) degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge in the faculties of arts, humanities, and social science, and develop their critical thinking and research skills. The program also includes a customizable concentration in psychology, which allows students to explore different areas in psychology, including cognitive and abnormal psychology, data analysis, research methodology, and the scientific basis of human behaviour. The Associate of Arts (Psychology) Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 60 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. Program requirements include a minimum of 36 credits in arts, including 18 credits in first- and second-year psychology.


    Upon completion of the Associate of Arts (Psychology) Degree program, students may choose to enter the workforce or continue their undergraduate studies. An Associate of Arts (Psychology) Degree may be transferrable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university. Some BC universities also admit Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor.  
  • Program Description

    Students of the Associate of Arts (Sociology) degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge in the faculties of arts, humanities, and social science, and develop their critical thinking and research skills. The program also includes a customizable concentration in sociology, which allows students to explore different areas in sociology, including sociological theory and research methods, Canadian society, popular culture, crime, and social movements.

    Sociology studies the interactions between individuals and the societies in which they live. If you are interested in how and why social constructs such as gender, race, class, ethnicity and religion influence our individual choices and social circumstances, consider an academic career in sociological study.

    The Associate of Arts (Sociology) Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 60 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. Program requirements include a minimum of 36 credits in arts, including 18 credits in first- and second-year sociology.

    The Associate of Arts (Sociology) degree program develops broad-based academic skills in the following areas:

    • Reading comprehension
    • Written and oral communication
    • Mathematical and scientific reasoning
    • Computer and technological literacy
    • Research and evaluative skills
    • Analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge
    • Critical thinking and problem solving
    • Application of theoretical understanding to practice
    • Collaborative and team-based experience

    Specifically, the Associate of Arts (Sociology) degree program provides experience and aptitudes in the following areas:

    • Understanding of sociological theory
    • Knowledge of methods for performing sociological research
    • Current and historical social movements and social change
    • Familiarity with social perspectives on human behaviour and human society


    An Associate of Arts (Sociology) Degree may be transferrable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university. Some BC universities accept Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts (Economics) Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor.

    Post-Grad Work Permit

    International students completing the Associate of Arts (Sociology) Degree program at Alexander College are also eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

  • Students within the Associate of Science Degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge of natural and applied sciences, and develop their critical thinking and research skills. The program provides a comprehensive learning experience that also allows students to customize and focus their coursework in an area of personal interest such as biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics. Students can also fulfill a significant portion of their course work requirements for first year engineering and engineering diploma programs.

    The Associate of Science Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 60 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. The credits must include a minimum of 36 credits in science at first and second-year level in the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering physics.


    Upon completion of the Associate of Science Degree program, students may choose to enter the workforce or continue their undergraduate studies. An Associate of Science Degree may be transferrable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university. Some BC universities accept Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Science Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor.

    Post-Graduation Work Permit

    International students completing the Associate of Science Degree program at Alexander College are also eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

    The Associate of Science degree program develops academic skills in the following areas:

    • Reading comprehension
    • Written and oral communication
    • Mathematical and scientific reasoning
    • Computer and technological literacy
    • Research and evaluative skills
    • Analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge
    • Critical thinking and problem solving
    • Application of theoretical understanding to practice
    • Collaborative and team-based experience

    Specifically, the Associate of Science degree program provides experience and aptitudes in the following areas:

    • Knowledge of natural and applied sciences
    • Ability to apply scientific methods of inquiry
    • Proficiency in the interpretation of data and measurements
    • Understanding of real-world applications
    • Ability to express insight and to hypothesize based upon complex reasoning

Languages, ESL Programs

  • Overview

    The English for Academic Purposes Program is a preparatory program that develops core English Language skills within a post-secondary context. This enables students to approach College/University studies with the required foundational English language competencies. The English for Academic Purposes Program (EAP) consists of 6 levels. Each of which focuses on language learning in the context of academic subjects such as:
    • Science
    • Economics
    • Psychology
    • Sociology
    • Literature
    • Philosophy

Alexander College

About Us

Alexander College is a private post-secondary institution serving approximately 2,000 students every year. Alexander College offers a variety of undergraduate degree and transfer programs including University Transfer, Associate of Arts degree and Associate of Science degree. An integrated English for Academic Purposes program is also available to assist non-native English speakers with their transition to university level studies in the English language.

Alexander College is recognized and accredited by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Degree Quality Assurance Board (DQAB), BC Education Quality Assurance (EQA) program, and is a proud participant in the BC Transfer System, organized by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT).


Alexander College strives for excellence in higher education for students from many cultural backgrounds and language abilities by providing internationally recognized university transfer courses and degree programs, individual support services, and campus activities to foster local and global community engagement.

Core Themes

  • Provide a supportive learning environment for students with many cultural backgrounds and language abilities.
  • Offer internationally recognized university transfer courses and degree programs.
  • Support individual growth and development through academic achievement and community engagement, preparing students for future studies and careers.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.