Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.
Diploma Program in CAD/CAM Technology is designed to prepare the students for the modern day production structures where most of the manufactured goods pass through Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing systems. You will explore and learn how to enhance efficiency and stay competitive by using computer aided design systems.
You will receive training in engineering design, reading blueprints, preparing drawings and specifications, drafting standards, and to deal with all basic engineering documentations. As a student of this program in CAD/CAM technology you will be given hands on training in AutoCAD, Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, CNC Programming and MasterCAM. This diploma program imparts necessary skills to be part of an engineering team of a manufacturing organization.
Graduates of this program would be able to find employment as Mechanical Engineering Technicians, Drafting technologists/technicians, Mechanical Designers, CAD Technicians and CAD Designers in small, medium or large engineering, service, contracting or consultancy firms.
Diploma Program in Food Service Worker is designed to meet the needs of modern day living. You will receive training in carrying out basic food service procedures as per the established legislation and standards of quality.
The program is aimed at familiarizing you with different types of meal service and preparing you to excel as a Food Service Worker in any institutional setting. Practical exercises and hands-on projects impart skills to play the role of Food service workers, Dietary aides, Food Service Helpers in service organizations.
Graduates of this program would be able to find employment in dietary departments of Long term Care homes, hospitals, Special care homes, Educational Facilities, Hospitality Industry and many other institutions as Full time, Part time or Casual employees.
As one of the leading Private Career College in the Greater Toronto Region, we are shaping an amazing future for our students. Our aim to ensure that all our students reach their full potential so you’ll find the college committed to quality and a positive and inclusive place to study. Based in Toronto and Brampton, BETA College of Business and Technology is a pioneering career college and leading provider of vocational courses for adult learners and high school leavers.