Qualify for Special Funding

Canadian Revival Training Centre


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Religious Studies, Theology Programs

  • Orientation: Orientation will cover items including student enrollment forms, finances, student-teacher relationship, dress code, conduct, student residence, church attendance & tithing, classes & assignment weeks/forms, Ministerial credentials & opportunities, work ethics, etc.;   Communications II: COMII002 The course will include the following: Hindrances to Good Communications; Communicating for a Change; Everyone Communications but few Connect; Communication & the Media; How to Conduct an Interview; Preparing Your Testimony for Media; Communicating the message of Revival & Reform;   Revival of Prayer II: ROPII002 This course is to establish a Biblically sound approach to prayer and learning how to express oneself a) in approaching God, b) in expressing oneself to God with words that capture the moment and create the power and unction of Holy Spirit and c) in how to create the right content in one’s prayers so that presumption is by-passed;   Apostolic Ministry I: AMINI001 This course includes the following: The Definition of an Apostle; Spiritual Fathering; Defining Apostles by what they do; Classes of Apostles; Apostles in the Roman & Greek Worlds; What is an Apostolic Beachhead?; The Relationship Between Revival, Restoration, Renewal & Reformation;   Blended Families/Parenting: BF001 This course covers the Introduction to the Family & Enjoying Years of Parenting; Identifying the Role, Responsibility & Rights of a Parent; The Blended Family Syndrome; The Importance of Christian-Based Education; Discipline of Children; Foster Children;   Effective Writing: EW001 The course includes effective writing for Ministry & Business; Training to Adeptly Steer Between the Various Genres of Print; Web & Social Media Design; Writing Blogs & Outline Articles; Use of FaceBook, Tweeter, etc.; Basic Grammar & Writing Skills;     Theology of Labour/Work: TLW001 Topics include: Work Ethics; Marketplace Ministry; Work from Genesis to Revelation; Rest & Work; Marketplace Expectations; Submission & Authority; The Culture of Honour; Finances and the Workplace;   Financial Planning & Investment: FP001 The course will cover what Planning, Investment & Budgeting are; The Difference Between “Need” & “Want”; God’s Names & Character Regarding Finances; Our Value System vs. God’s Value System; Two Ways to get What you Want; Godliness with Contentment; the Hierarchy of Personal Needs; Borrowing vs. Loans; Agreement on Finances; Setting Up a Monthly Budget; How to Control Your Spending;   Healing & Deliverance: HD001 The course will include: Christ the Healer; Spiritual Roots of Disease; Hindrances to Healing & Deliverance; Faith Works by Love; Healing is Instant – Healing is a Process; Humility – the Key to Receiving; Healing in the Gospels; Healing in the Book of Acts; Healing found in the Redemptive Types;   Molding the Mind: MTM001 The purpose of the course is to bring awareness to the importance of not allowing the mind to be pushed into the mold of worldly thinking; How to be on guard against the deceptive devices of the adversary; How to be a Doorkeeper; Chasing Rainbows; The War of Worlds; Heaven’s Culture; The Battlefield of the Mind; Influences that have bearing on our Decision-Making;   How to Study the Bible: HSB001 The course will continue where the course Bible (TPILQ1) left off...The course will equip the student with Basic Bible study Methods & principles; Reasons to Study the Bible; The Goal of Preaching & Teaching; Use of Bible Study Tools; Incorrect Interpretation & Application; Cultural, Context & Background Tools & Knowledge to Properly Interpret Scripture;   Biblical Counselling I: BCII001 This course will enable the student to counsel using the Word of God as it applies to botyh spiritual and human issues of life & relationships. The course will also deal with the shift in today’s society from Pastoral counselling to counselling by degreed “professionals”. This has removed the Bible from out of the counselling process. The course will instill to the student the need for the Bible to be the foundation for speaking into people’s lives.           Biblical Counselling II: BCII002 Course topics include: God is a Counselor; What is Counsel?; How God Counsels; The Power of Self-Direction; Jesus is a Counselor; Holy Spirit is a Counselor; The Believer’s Role in Counselling; Qualifications to Counsel; Three Qualifications of a Counselor; Our Equipment for Counselling; Necessary Traits of a Counselor   Basic Sozo (Saved, Healed, Delivered: BSSHD001 “Sozo”, which is used 110 times in the New Testament, is a Greek word meaning, “to save or make well or whole”. According to Strong’s Greek Concordance of the New Testament, “sozo” also means “to save, deliver, heal & preserve”. The writers of the New Testament showed the completeness of the word by using it in different contexts to refer to each aspect of salvation.The course will cover Spiritual Foundations of Forgiveness, Shifting Atmospheres, Colored Lenses & Love Languages; Tools include Father Ladder, Four Doors, Presenting Jesus & The Wall.
  • Orientation: Orientation will cover items including student enrollment forms, finances, student-teacher relationship, dress code, conduct, student residence, church attendance & tithing, classes & assignment weeks/forms. Ministerial Credentials & Opportunities, work ethics:   Revival of Prayer: ROP1001 This course will include the following…A General Introduction to the Power & Significance of Prayer; Define What Prayer is & its Origin’s Scripturally; Elements that Make Up Prayer; Develop a Foundation of Theology of Prayer from a Jewish Context; Learn the relationship & significance of scripture & prayer as they merge together.   Church Function & Partnership: CFP001 This course will help the student determine and define the Purpose of God; What Constitutes an Attender, Member, Disciple, and Partner; the Uniqueness of a Revival-Church; the Revival Lifestyle; the Uncommonness of an Apostolic Church-Ministry.   Chemical Process and Dependencies: FNBCS002 A detailed study of the various theories of alcoholism and drug dependency. An in-depth look at process dependencies such as gambling addictions, pornography, internet addiction, etc. An in-depth look and practical study of the 12 Step Program (linked to Biblical truths). Students will also be taught the effective use of Community resources. A Biblical prevention program will be reviewed in practical terms:   Bible: TPIL1Q1Bible A study of what the Bible is, why its called the Bible, how it was canonized, the proper names for both Testaments & reading that help reveal its power and authority.   How and When to Prayer: TPIL1Q2Theology-Prayer This is a study of prayers in the Old and New Testaments with the purpose of stimulating you into the lifestyle or praying. Topics covered include: When to Pray, The Prayers of David, God Answers Prayers, and Pray God’s Word.   Breaking the Spirit of Poverty: BSP001 The course includes: Thinking Outside the Poverty Box, Perspective is Everything, The Kingdom of God, Entitlement vs Inheritance, Types of Giving, Kingdom Economics, Reformations/Restoration & Revival, Money with a Mission, Financial Leprosy, The Fear of Failure, Learning to Release, Is Poverty a Curse?   Baptisms: TPL1Q1Theology-Baptisms The study of the source of water baptism called the “miqveh”, the “Repentance Baptism” of John the Baptist, New Testament water baptism commonly called “Immersion”, Baptism into the Body of Christ, Baptism with Fire, Baptism in the Holy Spirit.   Messiah: TPIL1Q1 Culture-Messiah A study of the need for the Messiah that Jesus is God’s Messiah, Set Times (Moedim), “Star” Messiah, an example of how Messianic teaching threads itself together through Scripture, the importance of participating in the Lord’s table commonly called Communion.   Biblical Customs & Backgrounds: BCB001 Topics include: Closing the Cultural Gap, Western/Greek Mindset vs. Middle Eastern/Hebraic Mindset, Mediterranean Honor-Shame Culture, Hebraic Interpretation Principles/Assumptions for Parables, Idioms & Narrative in the New Testament, “One New Man” Principle, Hebraic Concept of the Messiah, Resources for Hebraic Biblical Studies, Ancient Text-Contemporary Application, Some key Hebrew/Aramaic Words and Grammar.   Books of Acts:BA003 Topics including Fulfillment as the Key Word of the New Testament, Progressive Revelation, Acts of Prayer, Who is Luke & Theophilus, The place of the Holy Spirit, in the New Testament Church, The Jerusalem Council, and Who is Paul.   Biblical Counselling I:BC1001 This course will enable the student to counsel using the Word of god as it applies to both spiritual & human issues of life & relationships. The course will deal with the shift of today’s society from Pastoral counselling to counselling by degreed professionals. This has removed the Bible out from the Counselling process. The course will instill to the student the need for the Bible to be the foundation for speaking into people’s lives.   Pastoral Counselling: FNBC001 In this course students will study in detail how to correctly assess counselling clients & how to obtain a Client Profile. Using this profile, students will be able to design a counselling treatment approach with an evaluation (outcome) component. Application of Treatment Interventions (on a one-on-one & using a group approach) will be practiced. Appropriate counselling record keeping techniques will be studied & practiced. Principles of Biblical healing & deliverance will be applied.   The Family Altar (Benshen): TPIL1Q2Culture-Benshen A comparison study between Acts 2:42 and Deuteronomy 8:7-20 to learn the importance of the family table and how to practice turning the family table into an altar before the Lord. This study will also teach the importance of blessing each family member. The student will learn the four areas of the “Benshen” (benediction) prayer.       Blessings: TPIL1Q2Culture-Blessings A study of how the Head of the Household should bless children and how the husband should bless his wife and the wife her husband in the presence of their children.   Practicum: BCPC1Practicum Work related experience in local & or provincial locals   Marriage: TPIL1Q2Bible-Marriage A study of the subject, “What the Bible really teaches about the Husband/Wife relationship. Attention is given to the “Role of the Husband,” “Role of the Wife,” “Role of God” and to the subject of “Divorce”.   Counselling Ethics: FNBCS011 Review of founding principles of aspirational ethics: autonomy, non-maleficence (non-harming or inflicting the least harm possible to reach a beneficial outcome), beneficence (actions that is done for the benefit of others), justice, fidelity, & veracity. A study of the ethical decision-making model & process. Ethics in record keeping. A discussion of credentialing organizations such as ecclesiastical bodies, the Association of Biblical Life Educators of Canada, the Canadian Addictions Counsellors Certification Federation, Canadian Christian Clinical Counsellors Association and The Evangelical Order of Certified Pastoral Counsellors of America.   Communications 1: COM1001 This course will cover What is Communication, With Whom Do You Communicate, non-Verbal Communication, How to Communicate Effectively, Understanding the Communication Process, and Resolving Conflicts.   Kingdom Worship 1: KW1001 Students will learn about Heavenly worship, how our worship is to reflect what is going on in Heaven, connecting to God on a heart level, the freedom found that comes through the sacrifice of praise, and what praise is.   Salvation: TPIL 1Q1 Theology-Salvation A comparison study between Genesis 22:1-19 which is the story of Abraham offering his only son, Isaac, on the altar on Mt. Moriah with the Lord offering His only begotten son, Jesus, on Calvary for all mankind to have Eternal Life.

Canadian Revival Training Centre

In the early 1900’s Kevin’s family settled in Canada and made this nation their new homeland. As a 3rd generation Canadian, he was raised in Toronto and spent most of his childhood there. Through a friend on his street, Kevin encountered the love of God and at the age of 28, he made a decision to accept Christ and pursue God’s dream for his life. Kevin’s gift to activate people into their calling and empower believers to go beyond the status quo has been the reason so many have marked Canadian Revival Center as a place their life has been forever changed. This apostolic message is the foundation that has seen restored families, healed bodies and minds, and brought transformation to many. You can feel the tangible presence of the Lord as you walk into CRC. Pastor Teresa believes that everything we do flows out of our worship. Withholding nothing she leads the worship team every service in a dynamic release of passion to our King. Her anointing to shift atmospheres and lift up a clear sound of praise has complimented her husband in the building of the people of God. Many in Prince Albert call CRC their home! This gateway city connects communities and allows people to stop in and experience the vision of God for today’s church.  We hope you will call CRC home also.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.