Qualify for Special Funding

Canadian Technology College


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Technology, Networking Programs

  • The graduate will know how to develop software testing plans. The graduate will be able to install software and hardware and configure operating system software in preparation for testing. Plus, the graduate will obtain the knowledge of executing results of software application tests, information and telecommunication systems tests. In addition, the graduate will know how to develop and implement software and information system testing policies and procedures. This training provides a road-map for establishing software quality goals and improvement measurement. Manual testing and automated test tools are compared and explained, and "hands-on" case studies aid students in applying training into actual test deliverables. This program will provide you with a solid understanding of the core .NET and Java concepts, base classes and object-oriented programming. Also, students are immersed into the wide spectrum of data access and manipulation with respect to the relational model as databases are exploited internally and externally.




    - Introduction to profession and computer basics.
    - Windows Environment and Microsoft Office
    - Operating MS DOS Systems
    - UNIX Operating System
    - Networks and Client Server Fundamentals
    - Introduction to Programming
    - Introduction To Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
    - Introduction to Database Management
    - Fundamentals of software testing
    - Hands-on software quality assurance testing
    - Automated testing tools: HP UFT/QTP, ALM/QC, IBM Rational Robot, IBM Rational ClearQuest, Selenium
    - Testing of Internet Applications with HP UFT/QuickTest Professional and Oracle Application Testing Suite (OpenScript, OLT, Test Manager)


    - Concepts of advanced object-oriented programming
    - Advanced Test Planning and Testing
    - Advanced Test Automation with HP UFT/QTP, IBM Rational, Selenium
    - Load Testing Software Applications using HP LoadRunner and IBM Rational Performance Studio
    - Testing Web Applications
    - Testing and QA Management
    - HP ALM/Quality Center


    - The C# Language
    - MS SQL Server
    - Accessing Data with ADO .NETv - Developing Windows Applications with .NET
    - Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET
    - Unit testing in .NET


    - The Java language
    - Java object concepts
    - Java object-oriented programming model
    - Java Applets
    - Application Development with awt and swing
    - Java Database Connectivity – JDBC
    - Servlets and Java Server Pages – JSP
    - JSP Beans
    - JSP Custom Tags
    - Unit testing with JUnit
    - Selenium testing with Web Driver


    - Database concepts
    - SQL
    - SQL*PLUS
    - PL/SQL
    - SQL Developer


    - Test Management Process
    - Define Test Requirements
    - Develop Test Plan
    - Develop Tests
    - Execute Tests
    - Track defects
    - Manage Test Processing with HP Quality Center
    - Generate Analysis Reports

  • The graduate will know how to create professional mechanical drawings from scratch with today's most popular drawing software. The course will give a depth of knowledge of most powerful features newest engineer design programs for Architects, engineers, drafters, and design-related professionals in order to create, view, manage, plot, share, and reuse accurate, information-rich drawings including enhancements, system requirements, and time saving techniques.

    The graduate will have profound knowledge of Blueprint Reading for Machine Trades, Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Material and Processing in Manufacturing, and CNC Programing


    This program is designed to prepare the graduate for a position as an Administrative Officer or Administrative Services Co-ordinator. It incorporates Introduction to Contemporary Business, Introduction to Business Mathematics, Introduction to Financial Accounting, Introduction to Market Management, Introduction to Presentation Software, Introduction to Spreadsheets Software, Introduction to Doc. Production Software, Financial Accounting,Introduction to Accounting Software, Introduction to Database Software, Business Communication, Fundamental of Investments, Ethical issues in the world of Business, Introduction to Human Resources. In addition, a module is included on common office procedures.


    - Blueprint Reading for Machine Trades
    - Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
    - Material and Processing in Manufacturing
    - CNC Programming
    - Autodesk Inventor
    - Solid Edge
    - PTC Creo Parametric
    - SolidWorks Fundamentals
    - SolidWorks Advanced
    - Mastercam Fundamentals
    - Mastercam Advanced
    - CATIA Fundamentals
    - CATIA Advanced
    - Pro/Engineer Wildfire Fundamentals
    - Pro/Engineer Wildfire Advanced
    - Unigraphics NX Fundamentals
    - Unigraphics NX Advanced
    - Autocad Fundamentals
    - Autocad Advanced
    - MicroStation Fundamentals
    - MicroStation Advanced
    - Career & Employment Strategies

Business, Accounting, Marketing Programs



    This program is designed to prepare the graduate for a position as an Administrative Officer or Administrative Services Co-ordinator. It incorporates Introduction to Contemporary Business, Introduction to Business Mathematics, Introduction to Financial Accounting, Introduction to Market Management, Introduction to Presentation Software, Introduction to Spreadsheets Software, Introduction to Doc. Production Software, Financial Accounting,Introduction to Accounting Software, Introduction to Database Software, Business Communication, Fundamental of Investments, Ethical issues in the world of Business, Introduction to Human Resources. In addition, a module is included on common office procedures.


    - Introduction to Contemporary Business
    - Business in a Global Environment
    - Starting and Growing Your Business
    - Management: Empowering People to Achieve Business Goals
    - Marketing Management
    - Managing Technology, Information and Financial Resources
    - Introduction to Business Mathematics
    - Mathematical Preliminaries
    - The Straight Line and Applications
    - Simultaneous Equations
    - Non-linear Functions and Applications
    - Financial Mathematics
    - Introduction to Financial Accounting
    - Introduction to Business, Accounting, and Ethics
    - Financial Statements and Accounting Principles
    - Recording Transactions
    - Adjusting the Accounts and Preparing Statements
    - The Work Sheet and the Closing Process
    - Accounting for Merchandising Activites
    - Accounting Systems
    - Accounting for Cash and the Principles of Internal Control
    - Temporary Investments and Receivables
    - Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold
    - Payroll Liabilities
    - Introduction to Market Management
    - Introduction to marketing
    - External and Customer Analysis
    - Competitor Analysis
    - Market/Sub market Analysis
    - Environmental Analysis and Strategic Uncertainty
    - Internal Analysis
    - Creating Advantage: Synergy and Commitment vs. Opportunism vs. Adaptability
    - Alternative Value Propositions
    - Building and Managing Brand Equity
    - Toward a Strong Brand Relationship
    - Energizing the Business
    - Leveraging the Business
    - Creating New Businesses
    - Global Strategies
    - Setting Priorities for Businesses and Brands The Exit, Milk, and Consolidate Options
    - From Silos to Synergy Harnessing the Organization
    - Introduction to Presentation Software
    - PowerPoint Essentials
    - Presentation Basics
    - Working with Text
    - Designing a Presentation
    - Adding Tables to Slides
    - Using charts in a Presentation
    - Creating SmartArt Graphics
    - Adding Graphics to a Presentation
    - Using animation and multimedia
    - Securing, sharing, and delivering a presentation
    - Introduction to Spreadsheets Software
    - Starting Excel
    - Using backstage
    - Working with Microsoft Excel
    - Formatting cells and ranges
    - Formatting worksheets
    - Managing worksheets
    - Working with data
    - Using basic formulas and functions
    - Using advanced formulas and securing workbooks
    - Creating charts and PivotTable
    - Adding pictures and shapes to a worksheet
    - Introduction to Doc. Production Software
    - Understanding Word
    - Basic Editing
    - Character formatting
    - Paragraph formatting
    - Managing text flow
    - Creating tables
    - Working with themes,quick parts,page backgrounds and headers and footers
    - Using illustration and graphics
    - Proofing document
    - Applying references and hyperlinks
    - Performing Mail Merges
    - Maintaining documents and working with templates
    - Protecting and sharing documents
    - Using advanced options
    - Financial Accounting I
    - Capital assets and Goodwill
    - Current liabilities
    - Partnerships
    - Organization and operation of corporations
    - Corporate Reporting: income, earnings per share, and retained earnings
    - Bonds and long-term notes payable
    - Accounting for investments and international operations
    - Reporting and analyzing cash flows
    - Analyzing financial statements
    - Financial Accounting II
    - Managerial accounting concepts and principles
    - Job order cost accounting
    - Process cost accounting
    - Cost allocation and performance measurement
    - Cost-volume profit analysis
    - Master budgets and planning
    - Flexible budgets and standard costs
    - Capital Budgeting and Managerial decisions
    - Introduction to Accounting Software
    - Getting started QuickBooks & Setting up QuickBooks
    - Working with lists & with bank accounts
    - Using other accounts in QuickBooks
    - Entering sales and invoices and invoices & Receiving payments and making deposits
    - Entering and paying bills & Analyzing financial data
    - Setting up inventory & Tracking and paying sales tax
    - Doing payroll with QuickBooks & Estimating and progress invoicing
    - Tracking time, Customizing forms & Writing QuickBooks letters
    - Introduction to Database Software
    - Database Essentials
    - Create database tables
    - Working with tables and database records
    - Modify tables and fields
    - Create forms
    - Create reports
    - Create and modify queries
    - Using controls in reports and forms
    - Advanced tables
    - Advanced forms
    - Advanced reports
    - Advanced queries
    - Display and share data
    - Import and export data
    - Database tools
    - Business Communication
    - Writing a business letter form scratch
    - Corresponding in the workplace
    - Using special forms of writing
    - Writing and presenting skills
    - Proofreader's writing
    - Fundamental of Investments
    - Introduction
    - The Investment Process
    - Classifying Securities
    - Mutual funds and other investment companies
    - The stock market
    - Common stock valuation
    - Stock price behavior and market efficiency
    - Behavioral finance and the psychology of investing
    - Interest rates
    - Bond prices and yields
    - Diversification and risky asset allocation
    - Return, risk, and the security market line
    - Performance evaluation and risk management
    - Futures contracts
    - Stock Options
    - Option valuation
    - Projecting cash flow and earnings
    - Corporate and Government bonds
    - Global economic activity and industry analysis
    - A brief history of mortgage-backed securities
    - Ethical issues in the world of Business
    - Introduction to ethical issues in the world of business
    - The corporation as an individual
    - Competition and the practice of business
    - Information technology
    - Working conditions
    - Affirmative action
    - Gender issues
    - Whistle-blowing
    - Global business: bribing
    - Introduction to Human Resources
    - Seeing people as a strategic resource
    - Securing effective employees
    - Improving employee performance
    - Motivating and managing employees

  • This program is designed to prepare the graduate for a position as an Office Administrator or Assistant to a Corporate Executive and how to use accounting in businesses. It incorporates word processing (MS Word), spreadsheets (MS Excel), database (MS Access) and presentation graphics (MS PowerPoint), as well as process incoming and outgoing mail, manually or electronically, send and receive messages and documents using electronic mail. In addition, a module is included on common office procedures.The course has the objective to answer questions such as the following: How do we gather and organize business information? How do we analyze business information? How do managers use accounting information to control cash and other assets as well as liabilities? How do managers use accounting information to do profit planning? How do manager's use accounting for management planning, control and decisions?.



    - Word Essentials
    - Document Basics
    - Character Formatting
    - Paragraph Formatting
    - Document Formatting
    - Editing Basics
    - Creating Tables and Lists
    - Additing Pictures and Shapes to Documents
    - Creating a Table of Contents and Index
    - Performing Mail Merges


    - Excel Essentials
    - Creating and editing a Workbook
    - Formatting Cells and Ranges
    - Worksheet Formatting
    - Managing Worksheets
    - Working with Data
    - Using Basic Formulas and Functions
    - Using More Advanced Formulas
    - Creating Charts from Your Data
    - Adding Pictures and Shapes to a Worksheet


    - Database Essentials
    - Create Database Tables
    - Work with Tables
    - Modify Tables and Fields
    - Create Forms
    - Create Reports
    - Create and Modify Queries
    - Advanced Tables
    - Advanced Queries
    - Import and Export Data


    - PowerPoint Essentials
    - Presentation Basics
    - Working with Text
    - Designing a Presentation
    - Adding Tables to Slides
    - Using Charts in a Presentation
    - Creating SmartArt Graphics
    - Adding Graphics and Media Clips to a Presentation
    - Delivering a Presentation


    - Getting to know Outlook
    - Email Basics
    - Advanced Email Tools
    - Managing Mail with Folders
    - Processing Massages with Rules
    - Contact Basics
    - Calendar Basics
    - Managing Meetings
    - Advanced Calendar Management
    - Managing Tasks


    - Accounting: The Key to Success
    - Financial Statements and Accounting Transactions
    - Analyzing and Recording Transactions
    - Adjusting Accountings for Financial statements
    - Completing the Accounting Cycle and Classifying Accounts
    - Accounting for Merchandising Activities
    - Merchandise Inventories and Cost of Sales
    - Accounting Information Systems
    - Internal Control and Cash
    - Receivables
    - Payroll Liabilities


    - Getting started QuickBooks
    - Setting up QuickBooks
    - Working with lists
    - Working with bank accounts
    - Using other accounts in QuickBooks
    - Entering sales and invoices
    - Receiving payments and making deposits
    - Entering and paying bills
    - Analyzing financial data
    - Setting up inventory
    - Tracking and paying sales tax
    - Doing payroll with QuickBooks
    - Estimating and progress invoicing
    - Tracking time
    - Customizing forms & writing QuickBooks letters


    - Getting started Simply Accounting
              - Getting Started
    - The Goods and Services Tax
    - Applications for different companies
              - Missoni Marbleworks
    - Toss for Tots
    - Chai Tea Room
    - Air Care Services
    - Anderson Chiropractic Clinic
    - Maple Leaf Rags
    - Dorfmann Design
    - Lime Light Laundry
    - Adrienne Aesthetics
    - Truman Tires
    - Village Galleries
    - Tesses Tresses
    - Flabuless Fitness
    - Stratford Country Inn
    -Maple Leaf Rags Web Store
    - Using Simply Accounting Pro
              - Using Simply Accounting Pro
    - Flabuless Fitness - Time and Billing
    - Flabuless Fitness - Departmental Accounting


    - General Ledger
              - System Manager
    - G/L Setup
    - Chart of Accounts
    - Opening Balances
    - Budget Data
    - Daily Transactions
    - Displaying Account Information
    -Periodic Processing
    - Accounts Payable
              - Bank Services and Tax Services
    - Accounts Payable Setup
    - Vendor Maintenance
    - Opening Balances and Current Year Transactions
    - Adjustments
    - Payment Entry
    - Accounts Payable Periodic Processing
    - Accounts Receivable
              - Accounts Receivable Setup
    - Customer Maintenance
    - Accounts Receivable Invoice Entry
    - Adjustment Processing
    - Receipt Processing
    - Periodic Batch Processing
    - Periodic Processing
    - Year-End Procedures

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Personal support workers play an essential role in the health care industry, working in private homes or health care facilities to help provide patients with care and comfort. Our program train students to work with other health care professionals to provide a number of services for the elderly, disabled and ill, to help them rehabilitate or simply live their lives in the most comfortable manner possible.

    This one-year certificate program is created by National Association of Career Colleges (NACC) and designed to teach our students how to successfully provide care and assistance to clients with the intention of live satisfying lives in their communities and in institutions. The courses combine practical skills training with the communication, patient care and support techniques that professionals require in an industry that involves caring for the sick. During the course students will study physiology, anatomy and alterations to human mental and physical health, and complement this knowledge with patient care techniques, such as infection control, administering medication and much more. Students conduct lab work and have a clinical placement to practice their skills. Also, the student will lean techniques relating to specific patient types, such as those with cognitive disorders or those requiring palliative care. Conflict management and family communication skills are also part of the curriculum.

    Personal support workers play an essential role in the health care industry, working in private homes or health care facilities to help provide patients with care and comfort. Our program train students to work with other health care professionals to provide a number of services for the elderly, disabled and ill, to help them rehabilitate or simply live their lives in the most comfortable manner possible.

    This one-year certificate program is created by National Association of Career Colleges (NACC) and designed to teach our students how to successfully provide care and assistance to clients with the intention of live satisfying lives in their communities and in institutions. The courses combine practical skills training with the communication, patient care and support techniques that professionals require in an industry that involves caring for the sick. During the course students will study physiology, anatomy and alterations to human mental and physical health, and complement this knowledge with patient care techniques, such as infection control, administering medication and much more. Students conduct lab work and have a clinical placement to practice their skills. Also, the student will lean techniques relating to specific patient types, such as those with cognitive disorders or those requiring palliative care. Conflict management and family communication skills are also part of the curriculum.


    - PSW Foundations
    - Safety and Mobility
    - Assisting with Personal Hygiene
    - Abuse and Neglect
    - Household Management, Nutrition and Hydration
    - Care Planning, Restorative Care, Documentation, Working in the Community
    - Assisting the Family, Growth and Development
    - Assisting the Dying Person
    - Assisting with Medications
    - Cognitive and Mental Health Issues and Brain Injuries
    - Health Conditions
    - Clinical Placement (Community)
    - Clinical Placement (Facility)

Canadian Technology College


Since it first opened its doors to students from all around the world, Canadian Technology College's mission has been to train professionals in today's demanding business environments through the use and integration of the state-of-the-art in computer hardware and software technology combined with the knowledge and expertise of our skilled instructors. We believe primarily the knowledge and the skills of employees determine any company's success.

CTC offers training in a wide variety of highly demanded careers, which are essential in any business environment. Training courses at Canadian Technology College are designed to give students not only greater breadth of knowledge and depth in a particular field, but also more self-confidence through testing themselves in a variety of new areas. Most likely, students will discover some special strengths and previous hidden talents.




Highly qualified and experienced instructors who facilitate, mentor, and coach you in a supportive learning environment. Theory and practice are well incorporated into every lesson.


Employment Assistance

Dedicated employment specialists are focused on helping you start your career. Employment counselors work with you from day one to prepare you for finding a job in the chosen field.



Flexible full-time/part-time day or evening classes make it possible to balance your education with your other responsibilities. Rolling admissions policy allows you to start any time of the year.


International Students

CTC offers world-class training in modern facilities, in a city of multicultural diversity. CTC offers all its international students visa letters of support to assist them in complying with Canada's immigration regulations and policies.


I.T. Industry News

We respond constantly to changing trends in technology and industry. We are proud of our in-depth knowledge of I.T. Industry requirements. CTC works closely with I.T. employers to determine the type of training skills our graduates need to be successful.


EI Training Provider

CTC is a well-recognized EI training provider, having a vast experience working with students who are on unemployment. Our dedicated employment counselors work with our students to prepare them for finding a job in the chosen field.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.