Qualify for Special Funding

Central Health Institute


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • The Personal Support Worker program was developed as part of the Ontario government 's plan to reform long-term care and support services which are provided to people requiring support in their Activities of Daily Living.  This program standardizes training and provides a solid education and skills foundation for workers who provide long-term care and support services in both institutional and community settings.

    The course is taught in structured modules to facilitate learning and evaluation.  A student is expected to successfully complete the theory and practicum component of all the modules prior to graduation, in addition to successfully completing a final examination at the end.  The theory component provides students the with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills, while the practicum provides the student the opportunity to apply their knowledge gained in a practical setting while developing the skills needed for employment.

    The National Association of Career Colleges (NACC) Personal Support Worker Training Program consists of the following module breakdown:

    • PSW Foundations

    • Safety and Mobility

    • Body Systems

    • Assisting with Personal Hygiene

    • Abuse

    • Household Management, Nutrition, and Hydration

    • Care Planning / Restorative Care / Documentation / Working in the Community

    • Assisting the Family, Growth and Development

    • Assisting the Dying Person

    • Assisting with Medications

    • Cognitive / Mental Health issues and Brain Injuires

    • Health Conditions

    • Clinical Placement - Community (110 Hours)

    • Clinical Placement - Facility (200 Hours)

    • NACC Personal Support Worker Final Exam

    Potential Job Opportunities include, but are not limited to:

    • Long Term Care Facilities

    • Retirement Homes / Assisted Living Homes

    • Hospitals

    • Community Health Agencies

    • Private Duty

    • Hospice

    • Group Homes

    • Schools

    • Day Programs / Special Needs Programs

  • The Community Pharmacy Assistant program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to assist the pharmacist by teaching the required skills to understand and perform a necessary competence in general operations of a pharmacy.  Emphasis in the Community Pharmacy Assistant program is placed on the hands-on skills necessary to be employed in the field.  Students will learn the technical and clerical aspects of assisting the pharmacist.

    List of Main Topics

    • Basic and Applied Medical Sciences

    • Medical Terminology

    • Pharmacology

    • Community Pharmacy

    • Institutional Pharmacy

    • Safe Handling of Infective and Hazardous Agents

    • Pharmacy Calculations and Dose Preparations

    • Compounding and Dispensing Lab

    • Preparing Sterile Intravenous Products

    • Pharmacy Laws and Regulations

    • Communications and Customer Services

    • Career Planning and Preparations

    • Pharmacy Software

    • First Aid and CPR

    • 240 Clinical Placement Hours

    Potential Job Opportunities include, but are not limited to:

    Community Pharmacy


    Pharmaceutical Companies

  • This workshop enhances the Personal Support Workers skills and knowledge to encourage using a person-centred, compassionate and gentle persuasive approach, and respond respectfully and with confidence and skill to responsive or challenging behavior associated with dementia.

  • First Aid/CPR Training is designed to instruct the skills necessary to provide immediate care and assistance to an ill or injured person until more advanced care can be obtained. It is a beneficial set of skills to anyone that may find themselves in a situation where they could be required to provide First Aid, or CPR support.

Culinary Arts Programs

  • The Food Service Worker program is designed to provide training for anyone seeking employment in roles such as a Food Service Worker, Food Service Assistant, Dietary Aide, or for people already in the industry who wish to upgrade  or enhance their skills.  The program is 400 hours in length, including both theory and practicum training, and upon successful completion the graduate will earn their Food Service Worker Diploma.

    Individuals that already work as a Dietary Aide or Food Service Worker are encouraged to inquire about potential placement credits based on their employment!

    Students in the Food Service Worker program will also complete First Aid/CPR Certification and Food Handler's Certification through their training program as part of the requirements necessary to earn their Diploma.

    Course Topics include:

    • Interacting effectively with clients and co-workers

    • Basic principles of nutrition

    • Nutritional requirements throughout the life cycle and special diets

    • Quantity food preparation and safe food handling techniques

    • Food Service sanitation and safety procedures

    • Proper uses, storage and maintenance of institutional kitchen equipment

    • Institutional food service systems including purchasing, receiving, production, inventory, delivery and service

    Potential Job Opportunities include, but are not limited to:

    • Food Service Departments in:

      • Long Term Care Facilities

      • Hospitals

      • Schools

Central Health Institute

Established in 1999, Central Health Institute is a private career college located in the core of downtown Hamilton. We offer multiple approved programs with various training schedules, alongside reasonable and flexible tuition payment plans to accommodate our students needs. We are also provide free on-site parking, as well as free resume and job search assistance to graduates.

Central Health Institute is family owned and operated to serve each student in a personalized manner, and are confident that you will find our atmosphere to be warm, professional, and perfect for learning.

Our commitment to excellence has resulted in lasting relationships over the years, helping our school grow alongside our students successes.


To provide exemplary education in a safe and nurturing environment while rendering skills that empower our students to work with all community partners.

#1 Team

We know we have the best team both past and present and feel lucky enough to have them be part of  Central Health Institute's success thru the years.  We know we only go as far as our great staff!  We try to support our students from the beginning and beyond graduation. From the time they meet our great administrators to receiving quality training from a quality instructors is what truly makes our school special from other schools! You can tell by what some of our past graduates have to say in their Testimonials section on our Students Page.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.