Second Career Ontario Fund
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International Academy of Massage Inc.

380 Forest Street , Ottawa ON

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • This is your pathway to becoming an RMT Accepting applications for March 27th 2020 and October 1st 2020, at this time. News/Announcements Pass rate for Massage students at 2018 provincial licensing examinations continues to be a success story! Since 2006, approximately 96% of Academy graduates have passed provincial registration examinations. Massage Therapy training qualifies under the Second Career Program. Financial assistance may be available for those who qualify. The International Academy of Massage is located in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and is a division of the International Academy of Applied Health Inc. which is registered as a private career college under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. It has an International School listing for International Student participation.
  • 10 Credit Certificate Program (232 hours)
    A Continuing Education Program/Part of the NHP Diploma
    Complete full certificate in 5 semesters!
    The above certificate program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. Certificate to be awarded upon successful completion of the program at scheduled graduation dates. Program Description: “The Academy has designed this course to present a thorough understanding of the human body and the practice of Aromatherapy on individuals, within a holistic perspective. This program of study will also provide a platform of how to use Aromatherapy Essential Oils in support of other health disciplines, as well as, on an individual therapy basis. This knowledge supports the client’s overall healthcare program, as he/she works towards restoring and maintaining their personal health balance. The content is designed to guide Natural Health Practitioners to an understanding and working knowledge of the foundations, types of oils, chemistry, extraction methods and applications of aromatherapy. Students will experience the feel, smell and quality of several essential oils during classes.” Aromatherapy Specialization (6 credits)
    • Aromatherapy 1
    • Aromatherapy 2
    • Aromatherapy 3
    • Aromatherapy 4
    • Aromatherapy 5 -Colour & Light Therapy (1/2 credit)
    • Clinical & Case Application  (1.5 credits)
    Professional Development (4 credits)
    • NHP Anatomy & Physiology 1,2, 3, 4
    • First Aid
    • Practical Professional Theory
    • Ethics and the Healthcare Practitioner
    This certificate is part of the Natural Health Practitioner Diploma program.
  • This comprehensive 12 credit certificate program is designed to provide you with a high level of knowledge to practice as a ‘Certified Herbalist’, in addition to your other natural health specialties, such as nutrition and iridology. All subjects form part of the Natural Health Practitioner diploma program. The course will present a thorough understanding of the human body and the inter-action of the practice of Herbalism on the individual, within a wholistic perspective. It will also provide a platform of how to use herbal preparations in support of other health disciplines and on an individual therapy basis. This knowledge supports the client’s overall healthcare program, as they work towards restoring and maintaining health balance. Now designed to compete the full certificate in 5 semesters! This program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 “Pay as you go tuition plan” – tuition fees are paid at the time you take a subject or on a Defined Schedule Program basis. Herbalist Specialization (7 credits)                             Professional Development (5 credits) Herbal Therapeutics 1                                                     NHP Anatomy & Physiology 1-4 Herbal Therapeutics 2                                                    (4-1/2 credits) Herbal Pharmacology                                                     First Aid (1credit) Materia Medica  l & ll                                                      Nutrition 1 (1 credit) Western Herbal Energetics                                            Practical Professional Theory (1/2 credit) Clinical Case Studies                                                       Ethics and the Healthcare Practitioner (1/2 credit) Fall Semester: Herbal Pharmacology (Pre-requisite HT 1) Thursdays 6pm to 8pm starting September 26 to December 12 Materia Medica ll Thursdays 8pm to 10pm starting September 26 to December 12 Cannabis – A Natural Herbal Perspective (NHP/CEU 1 credit) Saturdays 10:00am – noon October 5 to November 9 NHP Anatomy & Physiology 1, 2 Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm starting October 2 to December 18 Nutrition 1 Wednesdays 8pm to 10pm, October 2 to December 18
  • 11 Credit Certificate Program (256 hours) A Continuing Education Program Part of NHP Diploma Now complete the certificate in 5 semesters! The above certificate program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. Certificate to be awarded upon successful completion of the program at scheduled graduation dates. The opening paragraph of the Internationally acclaimed book “Iridology—A Focused Study, by Carol   Magda,   ND   (USA)“    says   “all   living   beings   look   to   the   eyes   as   signposts        of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual relative energy levels. Mankind looks into each others’ eyes in an attempt to understand more fully and deeply their feelings, reactions, and behaviours. To understand how this is possible is to understand that the eyes reflect the ‘relational’ energy of the body. Relative health based on the amount of ‘relational’ energy can also be readily determined. “- As part of its ongoing commitment to the evolution of Iridology, the International Academy was the publishing sponsor of this highly encompassing book. Iridology is the study of the colour, pigmentation and the colour structure of the iris of the eye. This is made possible by the connection between the brain and the optic nerve, which is known as the neuro-optic reflex. Iridology is the art and science of revealing potential pathological, structural, functional and emotional imbalances in the human body due to inherited strengths and insufficiencies of body systems. Through the concepts and measurements of density, shading, and clarity, relative nerve energy flow is estimated and potential strengths and insufficiencies in relation to genetics, can be interpreted. As Dr. Bernard Jensen and Dr. Donald Bodeen stated in their book “Visions of Health” the brain knows what is going on in all parts of the body and the eye is the only brain tissue which can be seen without surgical methods. The eye is a direct outgrowth of the brain as the cells that are  to develop into the eyes bud out from the brain, bringing with them a neurological link: the optic nerve, which is a large bundle of many nerves (estimated to be 500,000) that is connected to the brain. Through these nerve connections, the iris can help to reveal the relative site of irritation, injury or degeneration of the body’s tissues and organs, as well as, the toxic accumulation in the tissues. This comprehensive 11 credit certificate program is designed to provide the graduate with a competent knowledge to practice as an ‘Iridology Professional’. The program presents a thorough understanding of the human body and the inter-action of the practice of Iridology on the individual, within a wholistic perspective. It also provides a platform of how to use Iridology techniques in support of other health disciplines, such as nutrition. It is viewed that Iridology is an essential modality for nutrition counselors that can be used to support the client’s overall healthcare program, as he/she works towards restoring and maintaining their personal health balance. Note: Textbook purchase “Iridology-a Focused Study” is required to take this certificate program. Class handouts and notes will support the student’s learning process.

    Professional Development  (5 credits) (RMT’s & Physiotherapists receive educational credits)

    NHP Anatomy & Physiology 1, 2, 3, 4 (4 x ½ credits) First Aid (1 credit/16 hours. St John Ambulance) Ethics & the Healthcare Professional (1/2 credit) Nutrition 1 (1 credit) Practical Professional Theory (1/2 credit)
  • 10 Credit Certificate Program (211 in-class/contact hours plus 50 clinical =261 hours) A Continuing Education Career Program The above certificate program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.                                   Certificate to be awarded upon successful completion of the program at scheduled graduation dates. NEW!! Become a Certified Reflexologist within 4 semesters! Part-time Evening and Weekend Courses Program Design The Academy has designed this career focused training program, to develop a thorough understanding of the human body and the practice of Reflexology on individuals, within a wholistic perspective. The program of study will examine the use of multiple reflex points throughout the body to address the client’s needs. This will include 5 integrated approaches to Reflexology through the feet, hands, face, head and ears. The 5 regional anatomical approaches to Reflexology enables the practitioner to develop multi-facetted treatment plans. This also provides the practitioner with alternatives and flexibilities, specifically when working with seniors and when treating clients with disabilities, health conditions or in open space environments. This program of study will also provide a platform of how to use Reflexology techniques in support of other health disciplines, as well as, on an individual therapy basis. This knowledge supports the client’s overall healthcare program, as he/she works towards restoring and maintaining their personal health balance. The Reflexology Program: This program of study is presented in a manner that a student can complete the full certificate requirements within 12 months part-time…evenings and weekends. (211 in-class hours) Reflexology Specialization (6 credits) Weekend Schedules 9:30am to 4:30pm Reflexology 1      October 5, 6 and 19, 20 2019 Reflexology 2      November 2, 3 and 16, 17 Reflexology 3      January 17, 18 and February 1, 2 2020 Reflexology 4      February 22, 23 and March 7, 8 Reflexology 5      April 4, 5 and 18, 19 Clinical Practicum  -Start after Reflexology 2 January 2020 (53 hours) Professional Development (4 credits) Evenings and Weekend Schedules NHP Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 (1 credit) Wednesdays 6-8pm Oct 9 to Dec. 18 2019 NHP Anatomy & Physiology 3 & 4 (1 credit) Wednesdays 6-8pm January 8 to March 25 2020 Practical Professional Theory (1/2)-weekend course May 2, 3 2020 9:30 to 4:30 Ethics and the Healthcare Practitioner (1/2 credit)-weekend course May 9, 10 9:30 to 4:30 First Aid – 2 days Spring semester (dates tba) 9 to 5 Regulated Health Professionals are only required to undertake the Reflexology specialization courses. How do I take this program? It is important to take the Anatomy & Physiology subjects as the student progresses through  their reflexology training. The understanding of the human body structure, its systems and how it works is vital to a reflexologist’s technical knowledge and practical skills. If this knowledge is acquired in concert with learning the skill development techniques for reflexology, the student will gain an integrated understanding of how a reflexology point or design of a treatment plan will most impact or benefit the human body. The graduate will understand why a particular treatment approach will help to change the body’s condition. It is recommended the student undertake the commitment to complete the program as designed in the 4 semesters, as all subjects will be offered within 4 consecutive semesters. A student may take the program one subject at a time, however, this may take a longer period of time, since some subjects are offered once per year. The full program must be completed within 2 years. Subject selection is to be completed no later than 7 days prior to the start of the semester in order to reserve seating and to assist the Academy to arrange copies of the required class notes or textbook available for your use at the start of the scheduled class. If the student selects the subject by subject option, pay as you go…a semester registration form must be signed or emailed by the student to the Academy in order to register the student in the requested subject(s), in advance of the semester or subject start-up date. If the student undertakes to register for the full program of study, then nothing else will be required, as the student will automatically be registered in the scheduled subject.
  • This comprehensive 1152 hour (48 units) program examines the complexities and inter-relationships of body conditions and symptoms. Graduates will have the ability to analyze and offer appropriate counseling and education to their clients for identified body disorders. Graduates will be able to recommend a pathway of guidance to those aspiring to achieve better personal health balance; by drawing from a broad range of recognized techniques and natural health disciplines. (A unit represents 24 hours of training) The Natural Health Practitioner will be capable of working as a ‘self-proprietor’ or within a professional group or clinic environment, in a field of ever expanding consumer awareness and employment opportunity. Pay as you go tuition plan” – tuition fees are paid at the time you take a subject. Part-time Studies: Streamline your training – Some Units available through home study. Evening/Weekend studies. Daytime option for several subjects can help accelerate the completion of your program. This program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 The following is a listing of the courses required to complete the Natural Health Practitioner program:

    Natural Health Practitioner

    Human Sciences Anatomy/Physiology 1,2,3,4 (In-class or available by Meridian home study)  Pathology 1, 2, 3 (Path 1 currently available in-class or by Meridian home study) Natural Sciences Herbal Therapeutics 1, 2 Homeopathy 1 Nutrition 1,2,3,4 (Nutrition 1 In-class or available by Meridian home study) Natural Skills Oriental Acupressure 1, 2 Aromatherapy 1 Chair Massage Iridology 1, 2, 3 Relaxation Massage 1, 2 Reflexology 1, 2 Professional Skills Business Skills Client Assessment 1 Communication and the Healthcare Practitioner Ethics and the Healthcare Practitioner First Aid Integrative Studies Law & Regulations Meridian Theory Professional Development Pharmacology Research 1/Interpretive Studies Research 2 Terminology 1 6 Electives  Provide the student with the opportunity to expand his/her knowledge in a particular field. Electives may be combined to meet the requirements for various Certificate programs or used to complete an interest course requirement. Any combination of 6 units must be selected by the student: Oriental Acupressure 3, 4 Aromatherapy 2, 3, 4 (Aromatherapy 3, 4 available by Meridian home study) Herbal subjects offered by NHSc or TCM (Herbal Clinical Case Studies 1, 2 available by Meridian home study) Homeopathy 2, 3, 4 Iridology 4, 5, 6, 7 Nutrition 5, 6 Reflexology 3, 4 4 Interest Courses  Provide the student the opportunity to explore subjects outside of his/her particular area of focus or to add knowledge in the area of human sciences. A student may substitute Electives for Interest subjects. Anatomy 5, 6,7,8 (In-class or available by Meridian home study) Myology 1,2,3,4 Pathology 5,6,7,8 Physiology 5, 6, 7, 8 (Physiology 5, 6 and 7 available by Meridian home study) Terminology 2 Any TCM or SPA subject without a pre-requisite Any subject of 3, 6 , 12 or 24 hours sponsored by the Academy and held on-site at the Academy. Clinical Application On-site/Off-site Clinical/Community participation e.g. Saturday public clinics (Up to 12 hours/.5 units may be included for participation in student demonstrations during on-site open houses or off-site school/community group presentations.) *Commencement of Clinical participation varies by health field. E.g. Student may participate in clinical after Reflexology 2 and A/P2 Student may participate in relaxation massage after completing Relaxation Massage 2, Chair Massage and AP 2 Total Number of Program Units: 48
  • Objective of the International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Division of the International Academy of Applied Health. Founded in 2004, The International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine school located in Ottawa, Ontario Canada, is dedicated to graduating highly skilled Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine (incorporates Chinese Herbal Medicine) practitioners, who have the ability to assess, establish a treatment plan and effectively treat the client to create a positive change in the person’s well-being. The program prepares graduates to undertake the provincial registration examinations to be able to work in the Province of Ontario as either an acupuncturist or a TCM Practitioner. The Academy’s approach is to become a registered acupuncturist to gain experience and an income, and then complete the TCM Practitioner program. Some subjects can be completed in concert with the acupuncture practitioner program of study. The objective is for graduates to exemplify excellence in professional conduct and ethics, standards of practice and community service. The goal of the Acupuncture Program is to help the student develop a career ‘entry level competency’ as currently assessed for the industry for the area of specialty, through academic/practical lab study units comprised of: theory, practical application, outreach sessions and 552 supervised clinical hours. (The student will receive assignments and self-study project work to complement the classroom and on-site clinical experience.) . The Traditional Chinese Medicine Act was passed by the Ontario Provincial Government in 2006 and on April 1st 2013, the self-regulating body of the came into effect. This regulating body was established to ensure that the public receives safe, quality and ethical services from qualified practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. These new regulations have added confidence to the public. The provinces of Ontario and British Columbia regulate the full TCM industry and Alberta, Newfoundland and Quebec regulate acupuncturists. The IATCM curriculum is designed to meet the established Pan-Canadian competencies. Start Full-time or Part-time September and March

Ottawa Campus

International Academy of Applied Health

“Providing Quality Natural Health Education since 1980”

This year the Academy is celebrating its 38th year and has evolved into being one of the foremost academies in its field. The Academy is unique in the world because of the wide range of teachings from the old and the new Natural Health Disciplines and its strict adherence to the highest standards.

The co-founders were Sir James Marshall and Dorothy Marshall Ph.D.(Hon.), N.D.(U.K), N.H.P. , who together with an inspiring group of originating faculty, established the educational pillars of the Academy in April 1980 and implanted the “dedication to excellence” that exists today.

While the Academy draws International Students, it is 100% Canadian owned and dedicated to excellence in healthcare education.

The 7,000 sq.ft. Academy facilities house the International Academy of Massage, the International Academy of Natural Health Practitioners, the International Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Meridian Educational Network and the Marshall Health Clinic.

The International Academy is dedicated to graduating highly skilled Practitioners, who have the ability to assess, establish a treatment plan and effectively treat the client to create a positive change in the person’s well-being. The objective is for graduates to exemplify excellence in professional conduct and ethics, standards of practice and community service.”

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.