Qualify for Special Funding

KLC College: Healthcare, Business & Education

742 Arlington Park Place, Kingston ON

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Business, Accounting, Marketing Programs

  • Program Overview
    The Accounting Clerk program is a 44-week diploma course approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. The Canadian Payroll Association recognizes the courses Bookkeeper I and Bookkeeper II from KLC College’s Accounting Clerk program as a valid transfer credit for the Introduction to Accounting component of the Payroll Compliance Practitioner’s Certificate program.
    Practical Internship Experience
    100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.

    Graduates of the Accounting Clerk Program…

    • Are able to complete an internship as an accounting trainee
    • Develop the skills to secure a position in both large and small businesses, in bookkeeping and assisting the management of accounting departments
    • Have an aptitude for numbers
    • Display attention to detail
    • Are punctual in meeting deadlines
    • Possess solid oral and written communication skills
  • Program Overview
    The Office Administration program is a 28-week diploma course is approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. This program trains students become proficient in multiple business and administrative skills, providing a generalized foundation to become employed in any type of business or office environment. Your education through this program teaches the most important duties and roles of modern office managers, administrators, or supervisor.
    Practical Internship Experience
    100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.

    Graduates of the Office Administration Program…

    • Are enabled to seek employment in any modern office setting
    • Will be able to demonstrate proficiency in numerous software packages
    • Have the opportunity to exercise leadership skills
    • Possess a solid work ethic
    • Are punctual in meeting deadlines
    • Desire a variety of career options
    • Want to work in the rapidly changing business environment
  • Program Overview

    The Dental Office Administration program is a 40-week diploma course approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. This program offers the student a comprehensive understanding of dental office procedures, documents, dental software, office administration practices, as well as practical job placement experience.

    Practical Internship Experience

    100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.


    Graduates of the Dental Office Administration Program…


    • Are able to make a valuable contribution to a dental office team
    • Will be able to demonstrate proficiency in numerous software packages
    • Have the opportunity to exercise leadership skills
    • Demonstrate accuracy in their work
    • Have excellent work habits
    • Can deal with the public in a kind, tactful, helpful and friendly manner
    • Are punctual and dependable
    • Possess solid oral and written communication skills
  • Program Overview

    The Medical Office Administration program is a 42-week diploma course approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. A vital link in any medical office is its management. If you are interested in a career in office administration with a focus on the medical field, this course is for you.

    Practical Internship Experience

    100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.


    Graduates of the Medical Office Administration Program…


    • Will be rewarded with career opportunities that offer you the ability to make a valuable contribution to various health care teams
    • Have access to multiple career options including private physicians’ offices, hospitals, health foundations, clinics, long-term care facilities, health insurance companies, laboratories and many more
    • Demonstrate accuracy and attention to detail in their work
    • Are dependable and punctual
    • Can work with the public in a kind, tactful, helpful and friendly manner
    • Possess the ability to respect the confidentiality of patient information
    • Want a career that offers many options for personal and professional growth
  • Course Overview

    The Medical Terminology course presents a study of the basic medical terminology. Prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, special endings, plural forms, abbreviations, and symbols are included in the content. A programmed learning, word-building systems approach is used to learn word parts for constructing or analyzing new terms. This provides the opportunity to decipher unfamiliar terms and check spelling. Emphasis is placed on spelling, definition, usage, and pronunciation. Abbreviations are introduced as related terms and are presented with each unit.


    Program Goals


    Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

    • Correctly spell a medical term when given a definition
    • Correctly write the plural from of a medical term when given the singular and write the singular form when given the plural
    • Correctly pronounce a list of medical terms when given
    • Construct sentences using medical terms to show correct meaning and use
    • Analyze and define medical terms
  • Course Overview

    The Medical Terminology course presents a study of the basic medical terminology. Prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, special endings, plural forms, abbreviations, and symbols are included in the content. A programmed learning, word-building systems approach is used to learn word parts for constructing or analyzing new terms. This provides the opportunity to decipher unfamiliar terms and check spelling. Emphasis is placed on spelling, definition, usage, and pronunciation. Abbreviations are introduced as related terms and are presented with each unit.


    Program Goals


    Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

    • Correctly spell a medical term when given a definition
    • Correctly write the plural from of a medical term when given the singular and write the singular form when given the plural
    • Correctly pronounce a list of medical terms when given
    • Construct sentences using medical terms to show correct meaning and use
    • Analyze and define medical terms

Legal, Policing Programs

  • Program Overview

    The Law Clerk program is a 48-week diploma course approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. This program introduces students to important elements of the Canadian legal system that must be understood by legal assistants. Topics include an introduction to basic fields and sources of law, methods of legal analysis and research, court structure, the legal profession and legal ethics.

    Graduates who successfully complete the Litigation, Corporate/Commercial, Real Estate and Estates Law courses in the Law Clerk Program can choose to write the respective provincial exams offered by the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario.

    Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario

    The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario supports and promotes the highest professional standards by providing opportunities to innovate, share ideas and knowledge of best practices. Their distinguished network and specialized education programs are designed to enrich expertise, enhance efficiency, and protect the best interests of the legal team and the clients they serve.

    Practical Internship Experience

    100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.


    Graduates of the Law Clerk Program…


    • Are rewarded with a career that offers you the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to any law office
    • Have a variety of job opportunities including private law firms, public and private corporations, financial institutions, as well as municipal, provincial and federal government offices
    • Have an interest in the legal system
    • Demonstrate accuracy and attention to detail in your work
    • Possess excellent organizational skills
    • Possess solid oral and written communication skills
  • Program Overview
    The Legal Administration program is a 42-week diploma course approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. The Legal Administration program offers the student a comprehensive study of legal procedures, terminology and documents, as well as practical job placement experience.
    Practical Internship Experience
    100 hours of a placement internship will take place upon successful completion of all course work.

    Graduates of the Legal Administration Program…

    • Are prepared to find employment with both progressive & traditional law firms, court offices, land registry offices, and legal departments of large corporations, real estate, insurance offices, and more
    • Will have a flexible career base, with career opportunities outside of the legal field
    • Have excellent work habits
    • Are punctual in meeting deadlines
    • Possess solid oral and written communication skills
    • Want a variety of career paths
    • Are independent decision-makers

Creative Arts, Interactive, Sound Programs

  • Program Overview

    The Web Design and Programming Diploma, approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, is a 40 week program that entails one thousand hours in instruction and experience in the development of website design, web development, and implementation.

    Graduates are prepared to immediately enter the work force in environments including design studios, advertising agencies, interactive web and game design studios, marketing firms, software and web development companies. Web designer is truly a broad job title that can be applied to the several careers involved in creating and maintaining web sites but can also contribute to web support careers like SEO, e-marketing, developing web content, hosting providers.


    Graduates of the Website Design & Development Program…


    • Work as web support by providing SEO, ways of positioning businesses in a google search, e-marketing, developing web content and managing hosting providers
    • May work with graphic designers, translating print content into the web medium and introduce new marketing trends such a social networking systems to business and service industries
    • Enjoy pursuing new skill sets and competencies
    • Have an aptitude for computer skills
    • Are interested in visual aspects of the world around you
    • Have some artistic flare

Education, Teaching Programs

  • Program Overview
    The Education Assistant program has been developed to comply with the rules and regulations as outlined by the Ministry of Education. It is designed specifically to address the responsibilities and challenges facing support staff in our schools. Over the 37 week course, an emphasis is placed on developing student skills in the areas of Special Education and Behaviour Management. In addition, students complete a number of professional workshops designed to provide a well-rounded educational experience. Our students are able to make an immediate, positive impact in the schools and to meet the needs of children in today’s classrooms.
    Practical Internship Experience
    Approximately 600 hours of practical experience will take place in local elementary and secondary schools, with Board approval and under the direction of the principals and teachers involved.

    Graduates of the Education Assistant Program…

    • Enjoy working with children
    • Have excellent communication skills
    • Enjoy assisting children to succeed in their educational goals
    • Are caring, patient and have a positive attitude
    • Are organized and committed to personal and professional excellence
    • Assist the classroom teacher in establishing and maintaining appropriate levels of student behaviour
    • Contribute to the success and well-being of students in our schools
    • Assist in developing and implementing individual student programs
    • Become participating members of a multidisciplinary team

Human & Social Services, CSW Programs

  • Program Overview

    The Child & Youth Worker program is designed to prepare students to provide frontline treatment service to emotionally troubled and disturbed children and youth. Students in this 2 year (74 week) program will receive specific education and skill development related to child management techniques, family support interventions, therapeutic relationships, designing treatment programs (for both individuals and groups) and working within multi-disciplinary teams. You will specialize in supporting change with children, youth and their families who are experiencing a range of social, emotional and behavioural challenges and implement a range of prevention, intervention and treatment strategies for children, youth and their families including crisis intervention, conflict management, problem solving, counselling, activity programming, and group work.

    Practical Internship Experience

    The practicum or work placement portion of the program can run concurrent with the other aspects of the program, or it may be completed at the end. It requires the student to participate in a supervised setting where best practices in Child & Youth Work is demonstrated, modelled and reinforced on a daily basis. Emphasis is placed on the application of the skills, professional ethics, attitudes and knowledge acquired in other areas of the program while dealing with children and families in real life situations.

    Provided that it meets the requirements as established by KLC, your placement may be a volunteer position or a paid position, for example as an education assistant in a recognized education system. Students enrolled in the program will discuss the practicum portion with their supervisor to establish the suitability of the placement and to arrange mutually convenient times for visits.


    Graduates of the Child & Youth Worker Program…


    • Provide frontline treatment service to emotionally troubled children and youth
    • Specalize in supporting change in children, youth and their families who are experiencing a range of social, emotional and behavioural challenges
    • Implement a range of prevention, intervention and treatment strategies for children, youth and their families
    • Enjoy working with children and youth
    • Have excellent communication skills
    • Are caring, patient and have a positive attitude
    • Contribute to the success and well-being of children, youth and their families
    • Become participating members of a multidisciplinary team

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Program Overview
    The Intra-Oral Dental Assisting program is a 47-week diploma program, approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, which meets the requirements of H.A.R.P. (Healing Arts Radiating Protection Act), allowing the graduate to take x-rays in the Province of Ontario.
    Practical Internship Experience
    This course includes a 4-week student practicum during the second semester. The internship is conducted in a dental office during the last semester of the program, upon successful completion of all theory requirements.
    Board Certified
    The NDAEB is an independent Board endorsed by many dental assisting associations and regulatory bodies. The Board has nationwide representatives from the Dental Assisting Regulatory Authorities, the Canadian Dental Assistants’ Association, the Canadian Dental Association, the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada, dental assisting educators from accredited and non-accredited educational institutes, and the public. The NDAEB’s mission is to assure individuals have met the current national baseline standard in the knowledge and skills required by Canadian provincial or territorial regulatory authorities for recognition as an intra-oral dental assistant. KLC College’s Intra-Oral Dental Assisting Diploma program prepares students to take the National Dental Assisting Examining Board certification exam. Successful completion of this exam is required to work as an Intra-Oral Dental Assistant.

    Graduates of the Intra-Oral Dental Assistant Program…

    • Are eligible to work in both general practice & specialty offices such as orthodontic, periodontic, pedodontic, endodontic and prosthodontic
    • Have job opportunities in regional public health departments
    • Can explore alternative career options including dental sales, teaching, dental clinics and labs, and more
    • Enjoy working with the public
    • Have excellent manual dexterity
    • Are able to prioritize and organize their work
    • Are able to be team players and work as members of a multidisciplinary team
  • Program Overview
    The NACC-approved Personal Support Worker Program is a certificate program approved under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2015. This program prepares graduates to provide supportive care to individuals across the lifespan by assisting them with their activities of daily living. Clients in your care may include those experiencing cognitive impairment, physical disability, and mental health challenges. Graduates typically find employment in a variety of care settings including community, retirement homes, long-term care homes, and hospitals.
    Practical Internship Experience
    Clinical placement provides students with an opportunity to practice their new skills in a work setting. While on placement, students gain experience in a wide range of PSW skills, become more self-confident, and in some cases receive offers of employment from the placement site. During clinical placements, students will spend time working in a facility, community agency, acute care facility and various other settings under the supervision of their instructor and under a preceptor provided by the host site.
    NACC Accredited
    The National Association of Career Colleges has regulated career colleges across Canada since the 1800s. They have a long, proud history of supporting the national interests of Canadian career colleges, through their mission of being the voice and enabler of opportunities for their college members like KLC College and benefits for our students.

    Graduates of the Personal Support Worker Program…

    • Are rewarded with career opportunities that allow them to make a valuable contribution to the healthcare field
    • Have job opportunities in hospitals and long-term care facilities
    • Like to establish and maintain positive supportive relationships
    • Are dependable, punctual and flexible
    • Enjoy working with the public
    • Want to provide dignified and respectful care to clients
  • Program Overview
    The Pharmacy Technician program is a 40-week diploma program that provides students with the theoretical, practical, and experiential learning experiences to prepare them for a career as a Registered Pharmacy Technician (RPhT). Pharmacy Technicians are vital members of our health care team who protect the security and integrity of the drug distribution system, and collaborate with other health care professionals to enhance medication safety and optimize drug therapy outcomes for all Canadians. Graduates of the Pharmacy Technician Program at KLC College are allowed to continue the registration process with the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP). After pre-registering with the OCP, graduates may proceed to Structured Practical Training (SPT), write the Jurisprudence Exam, and complete the Qualifying Exams with the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC).
    Practical Internship Experience
    This course includes two internship components. The first is a 4-week field placement in a retail pharmacy, and the second is a 4-week field placement in a hospital pharmacy. Both internships involve you working under the guidance of a mentor pharmacy staff member and be followed closely by your KLC program coordinator.
    Council Accredited
    The Pharmacy Technician program curriculum meets the competencies and outcomes set forth by the Canadian Pharmacy Technician Educators Association (CPTEA), the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA), and the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP).

    Graduates of the Pharmacy Technician Program…

    • Enter the workforce quickly in a variety of healthcare settings including community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, and long-term care facilities
    • Write the National Pharmacy Technician Board exams
    • Pursue registration with the Ontario College of Pharmacists to become a Registered Pharmacy Technician (RPhT)
    • Can work with the public in a kind, tactful, helpful and friendly manner
    • Possess the ability to respect the confidentiality of patient information
    • Are able to prioritize and organize your work
    • Are able to be team players and work as members of a multidisciplinary team
  • Program Overview
    The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Assistant (PTA/OTA) program is a 44-week diploma program registered under the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The program introduces students to rehabilitation, including occupational therapy (OT) and physiotherapy (PT), and prepares you with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience they require in order to fulfill your role as support personnel in OT and PT. You will gain hands-on experience that will help prepare you to work with registered OTs and PTs in order to help clients to regain mobility, recover from injuries, overcome challenges to become independent, and prevent health issues.
    Practical Internship Experience
    Upon completion of all theory components of the course, students will then complete 12 weeks of placement. Placement opportunities include private physiotherapy clinics, long term care facilities, and hospital settings. Through this placement, you will gain practical experience in both OT and PT.

    Graduates of the Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy Assistant Program…

    • Will find that the majority of positions exist in public and private clinics, hospitals, in home-care, government-funded institutions, and long-term care facilities
    • Have access to alternative career options including sales, teaching, fitness clubs, orthotics, consulting and private practice
    • Enjoy learning how the body works anatomically
    • Enjoy working in a customer service-based industry
    • Derive personal satisfaction from seeing people regain their independence
    • Possess excellent interpersonal skills
    • Are able to be team players and work as members of a multidisciplinary team

Kingston Main Campus

College Accreditations

Accreditation and Professional Associates

KLC College, as part of the mandate to provide the best in education for its students, is a member of both the Ontario Association of Career Colleges, the major voice of private career colleges in the province of Ontario, and National Association of Career Colleges. Both Organizations are working toward the best possible future for our students and graduates.

With these memberships and that of the Chamber of Commerce, Local Training Advisory Committee, and others, students benefit from an established training network of employers who require their skills.

Current quality standards are maintained by regular external inspections.

KLC College is a private career college registered under the Private Career College Act, 2005.

The Pharmacy Technician program of KLC has been awarded  the status of Full Accreditation  to December 2020 by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs.

The NACC Personal Support Worker Certificate program is a Ministry of Education approved program.

The Intra-Oral Dental Assisting Diploma program is certified by:

  • The Ontario Dental Assistants Association

Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist Assistant Program

KLC College is actively pursuing accreditation of our Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist Program under the accreditation standards set by the Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist Education Accreditation Program www.otapta.ca   Stay tuned for more developments pertaining to this initiative.

We are proud to announce that we have International Student Status.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.