Qualify for Special Funding

MH Vicars School of Massage Therapy

2828 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton AB

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Massage Training Designed To Fit Your Life

    We know that you have a lot of responsibilities and demands on your time. That’s why we have created weekly, monthly, and weekend-only classes to suit your needs. Our blended-learning approach combines independent learning with intensive on-campus sessions.

    Blended learning at MH Vicars School

    Most of the subjects that you’ll learn as a Vicars student are a combination of in-class instruction and independent study that you complete from home. You will have four full in-class days per month (you can choose the schedule that will work best for you). When you’re away from the campus, you’ll spend an average of 30 hours per week on your independent-study work. When you’re on campus, you’ll work closely with your instructors and classmates as you learn hands-on skills in the lab and have lectures and discussions on massage theory. You’ll also test your understanding of the material with monthly quizzes, and have in-class clinics with real clients. Each Vicars class has a maximum of 22 students, and there are two instructors per class, so we can ensure that you receive the personalized instruction you need. When you’re at home, you’ll practice what you’ve learned and prepare for the next in-class session. You will practice your new massage skills on family and friends as part of your assignments, do online quizzes, complete directed readings from your textbooks and access our custom-made videos, recorded lectures, and other online learning resources. You’ll also stay connected to your classmates and instructors using our online learning tools. Then it’s back to the classroom to put these new concepts into practice!

    Start learning on your own schedule today

    You’ve taken the exciting step to begin training for a new career—so why wait? At MH Vicars School, you can begin your massage therapy training right away! You’ll get full access to our two online core science courses, Anatomy and Physiology and Pathology. There are no deadlines, no classrooms, and no tuition payments until your on-campus classes start! These two courses are delivered entirely through our online learning platform. That’s where you’ll connect with your instructor, see your readings and assignments, and complete online quizzes. Most of our students have been out of school for at least a few years, and they find that getting an early start on A&P and Pathology is a great way to ease back into being a student while working at their own pace. Once your on-campus classes start you will have a full-time workload, but you can do as much or as little work on A&P and Pathology as you want right now. You will be given access to the two courses through our online learning platform within two weeks of completing your registration (once you’re accepted into the program, you’ll need to sign your contract and a few other documents and pay your deposit in order to be officially registered in a class).

Edmonton Campus

Get the training you need to launch a satisfying and rewarding career in massage therapy. At MH Vicars School, you’ll get an education that meets the highest national standards on a schedule that fits your life.
At MH Vicars School, we don’t waste your time. Our blended-learning program combines practical training and clinic experience on campus with online independent study. You’ll be able to get an exceptional massage education without being stuck in a classroom every day.

MH Vicars graduates are skilled health care professionals who are able to treat a wide range of conditions, and work closely with their clients to help them on their wellness journeys. Employers and clients know that when they choose a Vicars therapist, they’re working with the best.

Our curriculum meets the highest Canadian massage therapy education standards, and we are an MTAA Approved Program. Our instructors are all successful practicing massage therapists who bring real-world experience to the material they teach, and our customized learning materials mean that you have everything you need in and out of the classroom.

We are constantly improving our curriculum and teaching methods based on the latest research and changes in the massage therapy industry, so you can feel secure that your training will prepare you to pursue a rewarding and successful massage career.


* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.