Qualify for Special Funding

Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Education, Teaching Programs

  • PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This ONLINE program allows for childcare practitioners currently working in the field a streamlined option to attain an ECA Certificate and Level I ECE classification from the NS Classification office. Please note, Level 1 Classification also includes on Orientation program. The program will have a combination of online courses, and practical experience called GuidedWorkplace Experience.
  • Top features

    • 12 months to complete
    • Daytime classes
    • Delivered in person
    • 9am-4pm / 5 days a week
    • Four 4-week practicum placements
    • Graduate with Classification Level Two or Three
  • Top features

    • 12 months to complete
    • Study from home
    • 100% Delivered online
    • 6:30pm-9:30pm (Tue, Wed, Thu)
    • Practicum completed in your workplace
    • Receive 50% credit toward course content and practicum through PLAR (see below)
    • PLAR process (see below) made simple through hands-on staff and peer support
    • Graduate with Classification Level Two or Three
  • Top features

    • 2 years to complete
    • Daytime classes
    • Delivered in person
    • 9am-4pm / 5 days a week
    • Four 4-week practicum placements
    • Graduate with Classification Level Two or Three

Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education

A Career That Makes A Difference

Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education is a non-profit educational environment overseen by a Board of Directors. At the Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education we are proud to lay the foundation for the personal and professional development of our students.

NSCECE offers a two-year Early Childhood Education (ECE) diploma program that is founded in several decades of research and developmentally appropriate practice. Students enrolled in the program are introduced to various courses dealing with children, families and the ECE profession and will acquire the knowledge, practices and skills that will develop high self-esteem, independence, and beginnings of social responsibilities.

The focus of their studies will be designing, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate curriculum ideas in an effort to support the growth and development of children from infancy to age 12. The program includes 870 classroom hours and 600 practicum hours. Students requiring flexibility in their schedule may enroll in evening courses on a part-time basis.

Graduates find employment in a variety of settings, including: childcare centres, schools, private home daycares, nursery schools, developmental centres. Over 95% of NSCECE graduates find ECE employment following graduation.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.