Qualify for Special Funding

Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy Ltd.


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Year One

    Massage Theory and Practice

    MTP1-The focus of this course is on  foundational Swedish massage techniques. An overview is given of bio-mechanics, physical stress management, and corrective actions. This course includes client therapist/interview, health history, postural assessment,  and determining when massage is indicated. MTP2-This course  will further develop and integrate  skills learned in MTP1 including; Non-Swedish techniques, introduction to scar tissue and lymphatic drainage techniques, physiology of tissue healing and the inflammatory process, and assessment and treatment of general orthopedic soft tissue conditions.  


    Students are introduced to the therapeutic applications of water in all its forms. Safe use of hot and cold and other modalities, such as contrast baths, paraffin wax and sauna are included. This brief course presents the theory of ultraviolet and infrared light and their application in a massage therapists practice.

    Clinical Assessment

    Using the adapted Cyriax Model of Musculoskeletal Assessment, students will develop assessment skills including;  patient history, visual observation, postural assessment, palpation, functional movement and range of motion assessment, muscle length and strength assessment,  neurological, and special test assessment. Student will learn to perform,  document, critically analyze/modify and integrate these skills while maintaining patient and therapist safety.  

    Myofascial Palpation

    This course develops  palpation  skills and introduces direct and  indirect myofascial techniques for restoration of muscle and fascia. This course builds on musculoskeletal  knowledge from Term 1.

    Neuromuscular Therapy

    Students are taught how to facilitate the restoration of muscle and fascia to a healthy state, utilizing neuromuscular and fascial release techniques. A continued development of assessment, palpation and communication is included.

    Sports Massage

    The primary focus in this course is the use of manual techniques in athletic situations, including pre-event, injury prevention and rehabilitation. To facilitate skill development, integration and application of material learned in class, students will have the opportunity to work on-site at sports events.  

    Infant Massage

    The Instructor leads  sessions on safe and effective massage for young babies. Babies and moms or dads are present for the last session.

    Year One Clinic

    Students practice and integrate the skills they have developed to date under the supervision and mentorship of a professional massage therapist. The primary focus of first year clinic is systemic massage with emphasis on stress reduction and wellness. Students practice professionalism and teamwork, while taking responsibility for all aspects of clinic operation.  

    Year Two

    Clinical Theory and Practice 1

    CTP1-This course integrates all practical course material learned to date. Students are introduced to a treatment management model, and will apply assessment and treatment for specific pathological musculoskeletal and systemic conditions. Principles of exercise and its application and integration in the practice of massage therapy, with emphasis on core stabilization, stretching, strengthening, endurance, and coordination are covered. Comprehensive regional and systemic approaches will be used.  

    Clinical Theory and Practice 2

    This course is a continuation of CTP1 . Students complete assessment and treatment of lower body pathologies and move into upper body conditions.  The course focuses on integration of all skills and techniques learned to date, and prepares students for entry level to practise exams.

    Joint Mobilizations

    Students are introduced to the principles, indications and contraindications of joint mobilizations. Emphasis is on joint play assessment, and treatment through appropriate mobilization techniques. This course integrates musculoskeletal knowledge, palpation skills and communication.

    Advanced Techniques

    This course introduces advanced techniques that require a heightened level of palpative, manual and intuitive skills. A focus will be on understanding the benefits, contraindications and precautions. Techniques include counterstrain, cranial sacral, muscle energy and visceral techniques.  

    Advanced Myofascial Release

    Students further their knowledge of how to facilitate the restoration of muscle and fascia to a healthy state, utilizing fascial release techniques. Second year palpation skills give new light to methods of soft tissue assessment and restoration for complex adhesions and injury.

    Clinical Outreach

    Students are placed in practicum rotations where they work with clients experiencing  both chronic and acute pathologies. This allows the students to integrate skills learned to date, under the supervision of  registered massage therapist supervisor/mentors. Such placements include Neurological, Systemic, Sports, Maternity, Geriatrics, Orthopedic, Cancer and Scar clinics. Classes are scheduled to facilitate preparation, debriefing, documentation and discussion of  educational requirements. Some practicum's are scheduled outside of regular class hours
  • Year One

    Anatomy & Physiology 1&2

    AP1-This course presents an introduction to the structure and function of the human body. Topics include medical terminology, building blocks of life (basic chemistry), major tissues and all organ systems of the body. AP2-This course is a continuation of the study of structure and function of human body. Many systems of the body are studied, keeping in mind the inter-relatedness of these systems.  A few classes will be devoted to nutrition and to exercise physiology.

    Musculoskeletal Anatomy 1&2

    MS1-In this challenging course, students learn the bones, muscles, ligaments and joints of the body using a regional approach. Palpation is taught as an integral part of this learning. MS2-This course is a continuation of Musculoskeletal Anatomy 1, and is designed to gain knowledge of the gross anatomy of the human musculoskeletal system and fundamentals of bio-mechanics related to specific joints. This course will also have a significant palpation component that will set the foundation for future courses.

    Communication & Ethics 1&2

    CE1-This course covers communication skills and key ethical issues in the massage profession. We identify, understand, and apply professional conduct and ethics related to clear boundaries and effective therapeutic relationships. Topics include ethical business practices; professional values clarification, critical thinking and problem solving related to ethical issues, conflict resolution and negotiation skills. Students are invited to enhance emotional intelligence through self reflection and collaborative dialogue with classmates. CE2-This course covers laws relating to healthcare professionals, and registered massage therapists specifically.  Healthcare regulation in BC, CMTBC  bylaws, and standards of practise are covered with  further  development of communication skills  introduced in CE1.

    Year Two

    Pathology 1&2

    Path1-Pathology is defined as the study of the nature and cause of disease, which involves changes in structure and function. Student's understanding of anatomy and physiology will be applied in the study of pathologies. Pathology 1 includes the study of General Pathology and Musculoskeletal Pathology. Path2-Pathology 2 is the continuation of Pathology 1 Course. It builds on your knowledge of Pathology 1, and Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2.  Main emphasis of the course is on the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of common systemic disorders. The course includes pharmacology classes about basic concepts, use, effects and side effects of medications.


    Research plays an important part in the development of the massage therapy profession. Students will be presented with basic principles to enable him/her to read, recognize, understand and critique current research. Students will prepare a case report for publication as part of this course.


    This course offers an introduction to small business including: - Entrepreneurship: business structures and their characteristics, i.e. partnerships, incorporation, advantages and disadvantages - Setting effective goals: developing a mission statement and a business plan; Marketing strategies; - Small business accounting, and the massage therapy practice as a business.

    Neuroanatomy 1&2

    NA1-This course takes a more in-depth look at Neuroanatomy, including topics such as peripheral nervous system and nerve physiology. Neuropathology will be included and integrated with neurological assessment and treatment from a Massage Therapist perspective. NA2-This  second-year course is devoted to the study of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropathology and treatment of conditions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This course includes topics such as higher brain function, learning, memory and more. It builds on previous material and complements academic and practical classes in second year.

    Integrated Science

    Students will integrate knowledge from Anatomy, Kinesiology, Pathology and Physiology with a regional and systems approach to the human body. There will be some emphasis placed on the nervous system, vascular system and the potential anatomical results of physical injury. This class is designed to start preparation for the board exams, helping students to organize notes and mentally build endurance for this type of test.

Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy Ltd.

Engage your hands! Engage your mind! Engage your future!

Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy was the first nationally accredited Registered Massage Therapy program in Canada. Our mastery level program meets the rigorous standards of the Canadian Massage Therapy Council for Accreditation. Our focus on student engagement, critical thinking and extensive clinical experience has allowed us to graduate well rounded professionals since 1994, and continues to be at the forefront of massage education. It's our passion that makes the difference.

* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.