Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.
The proposed Leadership for Healthcare Administration Program is designed for students with experience in the health care field who are seeking to enhance their existing post-secondary credentials and looking to transition into administration roles in emerging Healthcare environments. Comprehension of patient needs, socio-cultural factors, behaviours and health services information are key focus areas of this program and will enable students to develop new skills in the areas of leadership, human resources management, conflict resolution, and strategic thinking.
The healthcare and social service industry in Canada is the second largest employment sector, which provides a large number of job opportunities to the graduates. Graduates of this program can find employment as health care assistant, medical office administrator, medical office assistant, etc. who would be working closely with medical/management team, overlooking day-to-day operation of the clinic, and helping with development of various policies, procedures and tasks.