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Advanced SQA Testing Course covers the economics of testing, verification and validation activities, and software quality improvement through systematic test planning, design and executions, problem reporting and resolutions, and test documentation. This course is intended for experienced testers, or for those who have completed the Software Quality Assurance Tester Course. It has been designed to deepen and broaden the student's knowledge of the field, making their skills more effective in testing your software and reaching your company's goals. A key ingredient of this class involves planning, setting, and achieving software quality objectives. This training provides a road-map for establishing software quality goals and improvement measurement. Manual testing and automated test tools are compared and explained, and "hands-on" case studies aid students in applying training into actual test deliverables. Testers will use "hands-on" case studies that allow application of training, transforming testing templates into actual test deliverables.



- Analysis of software applications. Implementation of business logic in client-server applications - Defining objectives, strategies and methodologies of testing - Designing test cases for manual and automated testing - Analyzing and reporting problems


- Database testing - Object-oriented approach - Internet testing - Practical design and execution of test cases - Reporting software problems


- HP UFT/QTP (QuickTest Professional) - Development of test scripts with VB Script language - Descriptive Programming - Automated data-driven testing - Selenium IDE - IBM Rational Team Test Studio - IBM Rational Robot - SQA-Basic scripting language - Enhancing and customizing test scripts - Automated testing of internet applications - Automated resource validation - Automated load, stress and performance testing - Monitoring of the working Web-application - HP LoadRunner - IBM Rational Performance Studio - Automated test management and bug-tracking systems - HP ALM/Quality Center - IBM Rational ClearQuest - Development of a custom test management system
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* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.