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Big Data

Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop

What is Big Data? Dimensions of Big data 6 Vs Why do we bother Big Data? Challenge of Existing Systems What is Hadoop? Benefits of History of Hadoop Characteristics of Hadoop Hadoop Customers and their use cases Popular Hadoop Vendors and Distributions Hadoop Certifications details Q/A

Architecture of Hadoop 1.x and Hadoop 2.x

What is Master-Slave Architecture? Hadoop 1.0 and 2.0 Architecture Concepts of Blocks, Replication and Rack Awareness File read and write anatomy Coherency model Q/A and Exercises

Installation & Configuration of Hadoop

Installation options and Pre-Requisites Cloudera Distributed Hadoop CDH) installation Hadoop Installation Modes Hadoop Configuration File Basic Linux and Hadoop Commands     Demo


What is MapReduce? Why MapReduce? Benefits of using MapReduce Word Count example using MapReduce and Eclipse More Hands-on using real world datasets such as (Number of sub-patents), Calculate max Temperature, Find Hot and cold days, Word size and word count, health Care Datasets Real-world casestudies Assignments Q/A and Quiz

Advanced Mapreduce

Partitioners and Combiners Map side and Reduce side Joins Hands-on Assignments Q/A and Quiz


What is PIG? Why Pig? Who uses Pig? Use cases of Pig in real World Setting up and Starting up Pig Pig Handson Loading, Querying and Analyzing data Pig Scripts and UDF Concepts and Handson Q/A and Quiz


What is Hive? Why Hive? Who uses Hive? Difference between Pig and Hive Use cases of Hive in real World Setting up and Starting up Hive Hive Hands-on- Loading, Querying and Analyzing data Hive UDF Partitioning and Bucketing in Hive Play with Hive advance parameters such as Dynamic Partitioning etc. Usage scenarios of using Pig And Hive Together Advance Hive Codes Q/A and Quiz
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* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.