Program Overview
As cyber threats become more sophisticated and damaging across all types of companies, cyber security has become one of the nation’s top priorities. This has created demand for a new breed of network professionals who can manage the cloud computing requirements of the corporate sector. In addition, corporations are shifting their computing needs to the cloud due to unlimited openings, reliability, flexibility and cost effectiveness. This diploma is designed to provide a solid grounding in conventional computer networks, network security, cloud computing concepts and database skills.
Career Opportunities
Upon graduation, students have working knowledge of cyber security, the Linux Operating System, Virtual Networks (Hyper V & VM Ware), Cloud and Technologies, CISCO Networking & Security and SQL Database Concepts. Graduates typically find entry-level employment in computer network support positions, network installation, network administration, network design and integration.
Admission Requirements
- Diploma or Degree in information technology (IT)
- English proficiency requirement for international students.
Graduation Requirements
To successfully meet the program outcomes the student must:
- Achieve a minimum mark of 65% in all of the module assignments and exams
- Achieve a satisfactory rating in the internship evaluation