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LLI’s Diploma in Software and Entrepreneurship

The New Software Diploma
New Diploma-Software Development and Technology Entrepreneurship Program is approved by The Ministry of Colleges and Universities. *** Online delivery available during COVID-19 situation.  Once restrictions are lifted classes will be only offered in a class room environment. Now accepting application for September 2020! Upcoming start dates are August 31 2020. ** Conditional acceptance letters are offered to qualified candidates if English is below the minimum benchmark for entry ** Spots are limited in this program and once the program is full a waiting list will be created LLI’s Software and Entrepreneurship 2 year Diploma has start dates in January  and September. This is a 48 week Diploma with 1200 teaching hours that can lead to a number of great employment opportunities in the area of software development and technology. This course will use a hands on learning methodology to learning. Students may register from our online platform.
Please review the program details and introduction below:
Software Development and Technology Entrepreneurship Program Description In today’s hyper-connected digital age organizations in almost every sector depend on the ideas, skills and support of software developers and computer scientists to survive and thrive. They play a key role in driving our society and economy forward. They solve software-related problems by applying theoretical principles, knowledge of systems, algorithms and software engineering methodologies. They develop secure, reliable and innovative software application, and they work productively in a team environment. Our graduates are ready to meet the challenges of this innovative field and will be in demand for their superior abilities in designing and implementing effective computer software.
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* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.