Qualify for Special Funding

Spécialiste En Technologies Appliquées À La Bureautique, Option Adm. Médical/Juridique – LCE.3V

The Specialist in Applied Office Technology, opt. Medical/Legal Admin. – LCE.3V program at CDI College allows the student* to become familiar with the latest technologies and most recent tools in the field of office technology.

This program includes a common core and two specialization paths, including the concentration "administrative assistant in legal settings".

Upon completion of their training, graduates will be able to handle a variety of administrative tasks related to management in legal environments.

Program Objectives

The Specialist in Information Technology Applied to Office Management program has been designed so that graduates can:

  • perform tasks related to preparing documents necessary for the professional activities of lawyers, notaries, or other individuals working in the legal field;
  • format and input notarized acts and documents or those related to contentious matters;
  • fulfill tasks related to welcoming and receiving clients;
  • complete tasks related to computerized processing of texts and files.
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* All student funding, whether made available privately or through various government branches, is only approved to those who qualify, by the original source of funding. There are many criteria that each candidate must meet to be approved. Schools can only inform you of what may be available.