Accounting and Payroll Administration

The Accounting and Payroll Administration Diploma program at Anderson College provides students with an understanding of manual and computerized accounting payroll systems and the ability to apply this knowledge to business situations. Combining classroom theory with practical hands-on experience, the program will help students develop the confidence and experience needed for a career in accounting and payroll administration.

Students in the Accounting and Payroll Administration Diploma program will develop expert knowledge in computer applications and software programs needed to excel in the business world today. The Accounting and Payroll Administrator Diploma program will also focus on developing leadership and management skills, ensuring that students are prepared to lead teams of employees and make difficult decisions.

Business / Marketing / Admin.Education / TeachingHealth Care / Nursing / DentalLaw / Legal Administration

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* Second Career is only available to those who qualify. There are many criteria that each
  candidate must meet beyond our 3 basic qualifying questions. Visit an Employment
  Ontario assessment centre for your full evaluation of this opportunity.